Finishing up a remix for That 1 Guy's "Mustache"... Maybe be on the next version of "Arms For Legs" (coming soon!). Official release info to come...
I got a new song I'm working on. It's called "Here To Stay". It's almost finished, but I need your help... I need lots of screaming voices! If you think you can yell some stuff and wanna get on the next Ki:Theory song, then read on. Let's think about this... It will be easy. The lyrics (what you're supposed to yell) and a recording of the yelling so you can know how to yell it (rhythm and such) are included below. This ain't singing, so don't worry if you got an "F" in show choir in 8th grade. Now, you make a recording and send me an audio file... This could be anything from a high quality WAV/AIFF (recording nerds know what I'm talkin bout) that you make in your home studio to a recording on your mom's answering machine (the higher the quality the better, but anything is cool). Here's a list of all ways I can think of that you could make a digital recording capable of sending over the inter-web:
- Home studio (Pro-tools, Logic, 4 track)
- Garage Band (all newer Apple's come w/ it)
- microphone on your computer
- hand held memo recorder
- iPhone app (memo recorder)
Upload me your audio file here: http://idisk.mac.com/kitheory-Public
Or mail me something (cassette tape, CD):
Red Light Management C/O Mr. Foley
321 Main Street, Suite 500
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Or (last resort) send me an e-mail and we'll figure something out: HereToStay@KiTheory.com
"We mean!"
"We mean!"
"We won't!"
"Here to stay!"
Oh, and if you participate, we'll send you the finished track before it gets released to the public in the next version of "Arms For Legs".
Good luck. Have fun.
***Here's the link to download the reference recording to sing to. But make sure you do not have the reference recording in the background of the recording you make to send us!Also - time is of the essence, so please send your recordings by 1st of August!!!
C U.
P.S. We’re being required to say that the files you send us are owned by Ki:Theory or we can’t technically release the track with your recording. But we figure that’s OK because you want to be on the track.